Levine & McCloskey text #4
Lesson I: Chapter 9 talks about developing literacy in English learners. Throughout the chapter, it discusses ways you can incorporate writing into your curriculum in order to help with language development.
The lesson also talks about the steps you need to take in order to have a successful writing process. These steps are important because they are all viable parts of creating a prominent piece of work. I would incorporate these steps in my curriculum because as I mentioned above they help the writing process altogether.
This chapter generalizes the importance of the writing process and how we can use it to help children and or adults advance their knowledge of another language. Writing helps develop skills in order for others to learn letters, sounds, and later on increase their productive skills.
Class Discussion #5
Lesson N: Youth Homelessness
In class, we discussed how youth homelessness is an aspect of the education program. In class, we split up into 7 groups, and within these groups, we all took time to read and analyze the text in order to make both inside and outside connections to the text.
We found that kids who are a part of youth homelessness are looked down upon because of their appearance, timing, etc. My group was group #6 and we discussed "So What?", in this section, we found that kids were being miss treated and given tardies because they couldn't make it to school on time. This belittled kids because little did the schools know this was diminishing their spirit and wants to learn or continue their education.
We found it important to mention because schools and their staff need to realize what is going on in their students' lives, rather than rejecting it. The more we know as teachers the easier we can make it for ourselves and others. I would make it vital in my career as a teacher to make sure I know all about my students o that I can make correct observations and judgments based on their actions.
Virtual Clinical #2
Identity Short Film
While I was watching this film, I was a little confused at first. It wasn't until the students were in class that the professor was talking about breaking a barrier. I noticed throughout the film that the main character was the only one with her mask, while others had the same mask, to me, it looked like it represented cliques and or groupings.
When the film cut back to the bathroom scene I found it empowering that the main character was able to find herself, or as she mentioned it the truth found her. She was able to break the social barrier and find herself, while others were stuck in the social norm.
I found this film very enlightening and think it is a good representation of finding your own identity. I think that this could be used throughout the education community as a sign of confidence and perseverance. I would use this is my class as a learning tool to show kids that they don't always have to follow what everyone else is doing, and that they can be their own person.
Hurd Text #5
Chapter 15: Resisting Learning Disability Oppression
In this chapter, we are faced with two poems that address David's pain and privileges within his learning disability. Throughout the poems, we see how his learning disability plays into his format and type of writing. There is a clear distinction of repetition when he is talking about "LD pain". Even though this repetition is due to his LD it sets a sense of urgency in that it is actually pain.
These poems allow us to see David's viewpoints and thoughts on his learning disability and how he deals with it. I like how he mentioned in his second poem how he now stands up and speaks to and about his LD, this gives him confidence and courage.
I would want to use poems and literature such as these poems in my classroom because I think it is a good example of what someone could be or is going through. It is a good way to make connections and relationships.
Virtual Clinical #1
In one of my other classes, we were asked to interview a middle schooler and ask them to solve a series of mathematical questions. I interviewed my cousin.
In this interview we were allowed to give help, really we were asked to observe and record their solutions and feelings towards each problem. This assignment really helped me to understand a middle schooler's way of thinking and performing. I found it easier for her to perform tasks when an image was present versus word problems. Their understanding of each problem allowed me to see what they have and haven't learned, and how they react to certain problems.
I wanted to share this experience because I felt as though it gave me a better understanding of a middle schooler's mindset and how they learn and think. After completing this interview I was able to put the teaching into perspective for myself because the whole time I wanted to help, but I couldn't. I am going to use this experience to further my own learning and think of ways I can better my own students' experience.

Levine and McCloskey text #5
Lesson G: Chapter 7, Teaching Vocabulary to English Learners.
This chapter discussed why learning vocabulary is important for English learners. With that, it mentioned that vocabulary is important because it allows the learners to convey and understand the message being relayed. Vocabulary gives insight into how to comprehend better and read and write better as well.
The chapter also talks about what words we should've taught and why. These terms include frequent words encountered in schools, words that will help students become better learners, and so on. The way to go about teaching vocabulary can differ for each student, based on their ideal way of learning we as teachers might have to alter our curriculum. There are many strategies that can be used when teaching vocabulary, for example, drawing pictures, word squares, word sorts, etc. Some students might find it easier to do it one way versus another.
I would use these strategies in my classroom so that everyone gets a full understanding of how to develop and use each word, term, and or phrase. Teaching vocabulary might be different for every student as mentioned above, but I am willing to do whatever it takes so everyone comprehends it.