Virtual Clinical #3
2 Heated Cultural the Bible Address
Within this article, it discusses "two of the most controversial issues in our culture today: racism and homosexuality. After reading the article and listening to the video, I feel as though the points that were brought up are very prominent in today's society, and are seen everywhere including in schools.
Throughout our semester we have discussed race, gender, and sex and with that, we have been aware of what to expect, hear, and or see. I think that it is important for everyone to be aware that it is not the color of someone's skin, or to whom you are attracted, it is simply the person they make themselves out to be.
Racism has always been a part of history and will most likely be relevant in the future, but there are ways to prevent and or minimize the problem. Also with someone's sexual orientation, no one is to judge whom anyone likes and or comment on it.
The bible talks about how everyone Jesus created is their own person and they can choose what to do with that. I think this is important to address because we can't live in a world of segregation.
Virtual Clinical #5
Panic Anxiety Disorders in Middle School Students
After reading this article, I felt as though I could relate to it. I have always had the question in the back of my mind, "Am I enough?". This article addresses that this is the primary reason students identify with anxiety and or other disorders. I personally struggle with seasonal depression and have my fair cases of panic attacks.
With school, work, and social media they tend to create a space that can be good or bad. There are a lot of pressures that occur in the world and with those come disorders like these. Students tend to frequently have these disorders to unwanted stress and so on. It is important as a teacher to be able to recognize behaviors, actions, or emotions within our students because they might be going through something serious. Anxiety along with other disorder cases has skyrocketed over the years, so it is important to know and acknowledge your students if something seems off.
I find this very important to include in my classroom because I had teachers who cared about me and helped me get through the tough times. I would never want a student to go through hard times or any experience for that matter where they feel as though they can't talk to someone.

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Virtual Clinical #4
Once I got into high school, I always made sure that I went back to visit my middle school and my old teachers. The reason I wanted to become a middle school teacher was primarily because of the amazing relationships I made with my teachers.
I few times I visited I was able to talk to them and get perspective on what I would hopefully be doing in the future. One time I talked to my old math teacher for about an hour or two, and that's when I realized I wanted to teach math.
Going through my old hallways I was able to see how they have changed, along with the curriculum and new standards. Walking around and talking to my past teachers was like a clinical to me because I was able to see how they have adapted to their new student's needs. That was one thing I enjoyed the most because it showed that they still cared and will continue to do so.
In my classroom, I want to incorporate a lot of lessons they taught me, whether it be an educational aspect or a life lesson. Having a connection with my students would give me joy in knowing I could be helping them as my teachers helped me.
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