Identify at least 3 key takeaways or Ah-Hah Moments.
"We've got to listen to them. Especially when it's clear that they are not listening to us" (p.80).
- This is important because we need to fit their needs, if they are going to follow ours. Teaching is more than give information and criteria, we need to be there for them and listen to them.
Class Meetings p.82
- It is important to have class meetings, not just when something is wrong, but it should be an ordinary thing. This way we as teachers and meet the needs of our students, and ask them what they want or are looking for in their education.
"Sometimes kids feel like what we are teaching is not for them" (p.81)
- This can be difficult, but in order for kids to feel more involved we can try to make activities and lessons which they find interest in and or what they think could help them learn better. If the students feel disconnected to what they are learning they are not going to find an understanding in it, this way by asking their opinions we could get a better insight on what would help the situation.
Talk about at least 2 connections between what you read and something we have learned/read about in class.
Feedback. I remember talking in class how it is not only important to listen and take in information, but it is also important that we give feedback on what we have learned and or do not understand. Listening is a major part in both a student and teacher, and with that we need to be able to accept and give feedback.
Taking a step back. It is important for us as teachers to be able to take a step back and observe. I think by evaluating our students it will give us an insight on what we need to focus more on vs what we don't. Meaning we have to fit our students needs, see what they need from us or what they need in order to understand and feel comfortable with what they are learning.
What questions do you have?
How can we as teachers make it better and or easier on our students?
By doing class meetings, will it help with relationships amongst their peers as well as their learning experience?
What is the best way on going about all students needs vs just one?