"Cognitive processing will improve if students are given powerful learning experiences with opportunities to make genuine connections between content and their experiences"(WEMSTSK p.26).
This quote stood out to me because we as teachers need to realize that by giving students content that they can connect with will allow them to process the information better. I know personally that when given an assignment where there is a little bit of freedom it is easier for students to be creative and relate the criteria to something they enjoy. Teachers need to be able to create lesson plans based on an experience, that way students will remember the material based on the activity they performed along with it.
"All these cognitive changes among young adolescents create another challenge in their lives: a desire to engage in risky behaviors; that is, a time of physical, social, and emotional excitement and impulsivity beyond the daily routine" (WEMSTSK p.31).
This second quote stood out to me because young adolescents students are still developing; therefore, they will go through change and want to try new things. We see a lot on social media, such as trends, news, etc., and in todays day and age it plays a major role on how people act and look at life. Taking risks is apart of life, but what we as teachers and people in general have to consider is the effect that these risks students are taking are beneficial or not. People always say you learn right from wrong, but how will you know if you don't try. Part of growing up is to experience opportunities for ourselves, so what we have to do as outsiders is observe and act when needed.