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Memoir Challenge: Bad Boy


The memoir I have chosen is, Myers, W. D. (2001). Bad boy: A memoir. New York, NY: Harper Collins.

I chose this memoir because the title stood out to me. When most people think of teaching Middle School, they think the students with behave either good, bad, or somewhere in-between. So with the title involving bad I was immediately drawn to the storyline. When I did further research on this memoir, Bad Boy was described as "gripping, funny, and ultimately unforgettable".

I am personally not a fan of reading, and with becoming a teacher that probably sounds awful. But, this book really interests me due to the fact that it is about a boy being afraid to show his "nerdy" side and instead shows his roughness to fit in and or to protect his knowledge. At any age students try to make themselves acceptable to society, and with that can come consequences or successes. I think this book will open my eyes up to a generalization that some students would rather put up a front and give up than for others to accept all of them and succeed; however, we never know what they are capable of doing in the long run.

I am looking forward to start reading and comprehending Bad Boy!

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Hayley Bowman
Hayley Bowman
Oct 17, 2021

Hi Ashley! I hope you enjoyed your book; the way you described it makes me want to get it too! As a future reading teacher, I think you touched on a very important topic: not everyone likes reading, so as a future reading teacher, it's my job to search for books that interest the students. I should also search for books told in different ways: graphic novels, audio books, and more. We need to do all we can to engage our students.

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